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A member registered Jan 11, 2021

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My Noir community · Created a new topic Progress 2


A lot of progress has been made! New art, voice acting, voiced cutscenes, even a story that ties into today's world to give the game more of a realistic approach. Things happening today can effect people's brains in a negative way, and most people have found it hard returning to normal life because of this reason. This is the case for Ron. This situation has caused him quite a lot of anxiety to the point he keeps himself inside and always has to make sure James leaves with a mask on. But no matter what happens to this world, I'm here for you guys. We can get through this together. I believe in you <3

My Noir community · Created a new topic Progess

Hello there!

On here I will be posting updates on the progress of this game! So far in the full game there will be voice acting and hopefully some cutscenes. It depends